XQ89/3C 型修井动力钳
2022-03-26 21:43
XQ89/3C 型液压动力钳是在油田修井作业中用来上卸油管螺纹的一种专用机械,是在原 XQ89/3B 型液压动力钳的基础上进一步改进完善而成的新产品。本产品由大扭矩摆线液压马达驱动, H 型手动换向阀与液压马达直接联接,结构紧凑,是目前修井用液压动力钳中最轻便的一种油管钳。
This product has the following features:
钳头采用了先进的卡紧机构,在上卸直径为 2 ⅞",3 ½" 两种油管螺纹时,主、背钳不需要更换任何零部件,卡紧性能可靠、使用寿命长。
The tong head uses inner curved roller climbing and clipping mechanism and needn’t to change any part during making up or breaking out the tubing thread which diameter is 2 7/8 ″or 31/2″.
Two shifts provides high speed at the high gear and large torque at the low gear.
The brake mechanism is on the upper and so it is easy to adjust and repair.
The new type hydraulic Backup tong and master tong form a combined tong . Operating the manual control valve of master tong, the combined tong clipping and unloosing simultaneously.
The adequate torque will be gained during making up and breaking out the various steel tube by adjusting pressure of oil .
This product has owned several patents of China.(Patent NO. ZL202322919554.9 etc.)